What's in our guide?

With ad rates recommended by eBay, Promoted Listings can cost you 2-3 times more while not bringing additional revenue. So how can you avoid paying more than necessary for ads?

This eBay Promoted Listings research includes:

  • The comprehensive study that helps sellers understand the relationship between ad expenses (ad rate) & sales increase 
  • Analysis of Promoted Listings’ performance on international eBay markets & 1,000,000 eBay listings
  • 5 key takeaways & insights to help eBay sellers optimize their revenue and benefit from advertising while keeping costs under control. 

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What’s inside?

Recommendations & expert advice on reducing advertising costs & creating effective bidding strategies on specific international eBay markets.

Promoted Listings & bidding on eBay

Learn about Promoted Listings & bidding on eBay to define your optimal ad investment for maximum ROI.

Research on 1,000,000 eBay listings

Learn how different bidding strategies & ad rates impact sales, views and impressions.

Minimize ad costs, maximize sales

Learn how to achieve maximum sales increase at advertising costs even 2-3 times lower than rates recommended by eBay.

International advertising & sales opportunities on eBay

Learn how to identify sales & advertising opportunities on your domestic and international eBay markets.

Expert quote from Caroline Ohrn, Product Director at Webinterpret
Sometimes sellers must put in more advertising effort. Another time products can sell relatively easily with no (excessive) ad spend. Unfortunately, many sellers aren’t familiar with how Promoted Listings work.

About the Author

A content marketing manager and non-fiction writer, specialising in global ecommerce. Educated in Linguistics (MA) and Business Studies (BA Hons). A well-travelled individual with international education & work experience gained in London, Scotland, Poland and Germany. In her spare time buzzing with creative content ideas, including funky rhyming poems.

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