[Online event recording]
WI Talks: EPR made easy

Ready to turn your responsibility into an opportunity? Discover why investing in EPR is a smart move for your business! Our expert tips will guide you through the compliance and registration process so you can navigate the EPR landscape with ease. Don't miss out on this chance to make a positive impact on the environment and take your business to the next level!
Watch the recording to learn more!

Access the online event recording


Klaudia Kucel
Junior Sales Team Leader and Senior Ecommerce Sales Executive

Working closely with eBay sellers across the US market, Klaudia knows the ins and outs of the ecommerce industry. An expert in cross-border trade and an unrivaled marketplaces guru, she helps online marketplace sellers to simplify their international selling processes and to grow their business worldwide.

Katharina Herwig
Sustainability & Recycling EPR Consultant at ecosistant

Katharina is working at ecosistant - a tech-startup and consulting agency located in Berlin, who are the node point between recycling schemes and e-commerce sellers. Since 2020, ecosistant has helped thousands of e-commerce businesses fulfill their legal recycling obligations all across Europe.


Together, we will discuss:

  • Turning Responsibility into Opportunity: Why EPR is a Smart Investment
  • Navigating the EPR Landscape: Expert Tips for Compliance and Registration
  • Ask the Experts: Getting Answers to Your Burning Questions about EPR

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